Womanly Dominion: More Than A Gentle and Quiet Spirit by Mark Chanski
Womanly Dominion: More Than A Gentle and Quiet Spirit by Mark Chanski
About Womanly Dominion
Christian woman take dominion! Play your position! is a call we may hear a coach yell at a soccer or football game. The meaning is: Do what you have been assigned to do, and do it well! Many Christian women have been told over the years that they must quietly stay under their parasols while their men go out and conquer the world. Is this what the Bible really teaches? Author and pastor, Mark Chanski, insists that the Bible tells us a different story. He insists that the Bible teaches a woman to take dominion of her God-assigned role as wife, mother and church helper. This is not in a feminist way, but in a God-glorifying way that speaks volumes of who she is and why God created her. Women should not think of themselves as victims, says the author, but as victors who conquer the realm that their Lord and Master, Jesus Christ has given them.
About the Author
Mark Chanski has labored as a full-time Pastor since 1986 in churches in Ohio and Michigan. He has been the Pastor of the Reformed Baptist Church of Holland, Michigan, since 1994. He holds a Bachelor s degree from Cornerstone University and a Master of Divinity degree from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. He teaches Hermeneutics for the Reformed Baptist Seminary in Easley, SC. Mark is married to his wife Dianne, and has four sons and one daughter, whose ages stretch from 24-14 His other works include the companion edition of this title, Manly Dominion.