The Fulfilled Family: God's Design for Your Home by John MacArthur
The Fulfilled Family: God's Design for Your Home by John MacArthur
In a world of divorce, casual sex, and homosexual unions, "family"?once the bedrock of our culture?is becoming a matter of uncertainty and argument. From some quarters, traditional roles for men and women are ridiculed. And standing firm in a healthy, well-functioning family is harder than ever.
So how can you have a happy home? How can you pass on strong morals to your children in a world going awry? By following God's divine plan for family life," writes Bible teacher, pastor, father, and grandfather John MacArthur in this book.
There's no magic formula. There's no gimmick. It's not about how many times you do something, or who is in charge of this or that, or what kind of processes or methods you use. It comes down to answering these questions: "Am I committed to obedience to the Spirit of God? Am I committed to the controlling influences of the Word of God? Am I going to live out a Christian life?" If you can answer yes to all of those questions, then you are bound to have a successful, fulfilled, God-honoring family life.
John MacArthur has served as the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, since 1969. His ministry of expository preaching is unparalleled in its breadth and influence. In more than four decades of ministry from the same pulpit, he has preached verse by verse through the entire New Testament (and several key sections of the Old Testament). He is president of the Master’s University and Seminary and can be heard daily on the Grace to You radio broadcast (carried on hundreds of radio stations worldwide). He has authored a number of bestselling books, including Twelve Ordinary Men, and One Perfect Life.