The Battle for the Biblical Family by George C. Scipione
The Battle for the Biblical Family by George C. Scipione
Definitions of gender, marriage, and family are evolving almost daily. Surveys of younger generations show much greater acceptance of unbiblical norms. Part of the problem is that relatively few people know and understand what the Bible says, from cover to cover, about these foundational aspects of society. Read what the Bible has to say about the family from this biblical counseling expert.
Dr. George Scipione (1946–2020) was involved with biblical counseling for half a century. He received a doctorate in biblical counseling from Whitefield Theological Seminary. From 1982 to 2006, he was the director of the Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship (IBCD) in San Diego, CA. He developed the program that IBCD uses to train pastors and laymen in biblical counseling. He taught those classes on five continents.
Dr. Scipione also had forty-four years of pastoral experience in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. He pastored churches in New Jersey, California, and South Carolina. For ten years, he directed the Biblical Counseling Institute of the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, PA. He and his wife, Eileen, were married in 1972 and have five children and two grandchildren.