Reclaim Your Marriage: Grace for Wives Who Have Been Hurt by Pornography by Jenny Solomon
Reclaim Your Marriage: Grace for Wives Who Have Been Hurt by Pornography by Jenny Solomon
When your husband struggles with pornography, your world is shattered. There are so many resources to help him, but what about you? Where can you go with your grief, insecurities, fear, and even anger? Jenny Solomon comes alongside hurting wives and gently encourages them to bring their pain to God, who is able to reclaim their marriage. She will help you to rest in God’s love, while at the same time taking one brave step at a time to care for your family and yourself.
Jenny understands that when the heavy burden of sorrow weighs down your soul, it is helpful to lean hard on a few solid truths about who God is and how he is calling you to respond. One of the most important is that although you may feel lonely right now, you are not alone. In Reclaim Your Marriage: Grace for Wives Who Have Been Hurt by Pornography,you will learn how to draw close to the Lord as you address your own sorrows, questions, and temptations. The author will encourage you to find a Christian community where you can seek a listening ear and find close friends who will come alongside you and pray for you in this battle. Jenny not only knows the struggle you are facing but has experienced the power of the gospel to bring healing.
Fighting pornography is not something a couple can handle alone. This book and the companion resource for husbands written by Jenny’s husband Curtis Solomon, Redeem Your Marriage: Hope for Husbands Who Hurt with Pornography, can be used to bring hope and grace into a seemingly impossible situation. These resources can be used in the context of mentoring, counseling, or accountability relationships to give biblical direction and hope in the midst of a difficult struggle.
“There are few books aimed directly at women who struggle with husbands who view pornography. Jenny Solomon adds a much-needed voice to this discussion. Readers will be drawn in through her vulnerability and will deepen their understanding of how Scripture speaks to this issue. Jenny has offered hurting and suffering wives more than just a book—she’s offered them a way forward through the mess of sin to find hope in Christ.”
Jonathan D. Holmes, Executive Director, Fieldstone Counseling; coauthor of Rescue Plan and Rescue Skills
“Steeped in the study of Scripture, Jenny Solomon offers comfort and courage for wives harmed by their husband's use of pornography. Written with the tenderness and earned wisdom of one who knows this suffering, Jenny has given us an invaluable resource for hurting wives, one that seeks to strengthen their faith for the uncertain journey ahead.”
Darby Strickland, Faculty member, The Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF); author of Is it Abuse?
“The porn plague has gone on long enough! I am grateful that we are seeing more and more excellent resources meant to help men who have succumbed to it and wives who have been hurt by it. I am certain that this new pair of books by my friends Curtis and Jenny Solomon will serve many couples as they redeem and reclaim a marriage that has been harmed by pornography. Those who read these books will find them helpful, challenging, encouraging, and best of all, biblical.”
Tim Challies, Blogger at; author of Epic: An Around-the-World Journey through Christian History
“A book like this is not written but forged. Forging takes heat, time, and quality materials. Jenny walks with hurting wives into the fire and through the long wait, following the precious truth of God’s compassion and power. Her guidance is careful, honest, and confident in the Lord. Simply excellent.”
Jeremy Pierre, Lawrence and Charlotte Hoover Professor of Biblical Counseling & Department Chair, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; author of The Dynamic Heart in Daily Life and When Home Hurts
“Curtis and Jenny Solomon have accomplished a unique writing and ministry feat. Their books, written as husband and wifeto husbands and wives in the throes of pornography's sobering devastation provide gentle yet sinewy and personal encouragement and guidance. Reading these books felt like sitting with trustworthy companions for couples who need Christ’s courage and hope regarding repentance and freedom from porn and the pain it brings to marriages.”
Ellen Mary Dykas, Director of Women’s Ministry, Harvest USA; author of Sexual Sanity for Women and Toxic Relationships; coauthor of Sexual Faithfulness
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