Preparing Children for Marriage: How to Teach God's Good Design for Marriage, Sex, Purity, and Dating by Josh Mulvihill
Preparing Children for Marriage: How to Teach God's Good Design for Marriage, Sex, Purity, and Dating by Josh Mulvihill
Your children will make few decisions more important than their decision to marry. But they must make other choices before thendecisions about purity, dating, and their roles as men and women. Are they prepared? In this highly practical guide, Joshua Mulvihill lays out a biblically grounded plan for preparing young children for later challenges. Our culture is zealous in reaching children with its own take on sex and marriage, but shouldn't we be able to talk about these things and their place in God's larger narrative? Parents, grandparents, and others in the church will learn how to bring the truth home by starting the conversation with their children earlyand returning to it often.
"Wow! What a great book to empower parents to have early-and-often discussions with their children about love, sex, and marriage." --Scott Turansky, Cofounder, National Center for Biblical Parenting
"Josh Mulvihill has given parents an invaluable resource to help them present a biblical worldview of sexuality, marriage, and dating to their children." --Marty Machowski, Family Life Pastor, Covenant Fellowship Church, Glen Mills, Pennsylvania; Author, The Ology
"Josh Mulvihill's approach is straight from the Bible, full of great insight and advice, and incredibly helpful." --Larry Fowler, Founder, The Legacy Coalition
About the Author
Josh Mulvihill is the executive director of church and family ministry at Renewanation, which trains children to develop a biblical worldview. He has also served as a pastor for nearly twenty years and is a founding member of the Legacy Coalition and Roots Kids Worship. He is the author of Biblical Grandparenting and the Rooted Kids curriculum and is the editor of Equipping Grandparents. Josh is married to Jen, and they have five children.