In the Aftermath: Past the Pain of Childhood Sexual Abuse by Pam Gannon & Beverly More
In the Aftermath: Past the Pain of Childhood Sexual Abuse by Pam Gannon & Beverly More
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$12.70 USD
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$12.70 USD
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About: In the Aftermath.
Studies show that thousands of children are sexually abused in the US every year; most by someone they know and trust. Being abused by a known, trusted older person adds to a child’s devastation of the pain and terror they experience.
Adult victims of CSA have tried looking for answers within themselves or other people’s theories, but have not found the hope and help they are seeking. That is because the only true and lasting hope, joy and peace are not found within us, but in God who created us. This book will point you directly to God’s Word where you will find His comfort and peace.
About the Authors
Pam Gannon is a certified biblical counselor serving in the Biblical Counseling Ministry at Grace Bible Church in Bozeman, MT since 2000, and as an adjunct Professor in Biblical Counseling and Psychology at Montana Bible College since 2011. She and her husband Dan teach at ACBC training events around the nation.
Beverly Moore is a certified biblical counselor with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC, formerly NANC). She is a member of Faith Church and is on staff with Faith Biblical Counseling Center, both in Lafayette, IN. She is married to her husband George and they have two grown sons. She has a BA in theology an a Master's in biblical counseling.