Help! I’ve Been Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder by Christine Chappell - Mini Book
Help! I’ve Been Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder by Christine Chappell - Mini Book
About the book
A mini-book written to help people (and their friends and family) who have been diagnosed with a mental disorder.
If you’ve just been diagnosed with a mental disorder, you may be feeling overwhelmed and have all kinds of questions. In this mini-book, Christine Chappell writes out of her own experience of diagnosis and offers readers a redemptive perspective from which to begin processing their nuanced problems. Cautioning against a “fix it” mentality, she shows how the Scriptures provide stabilizing truths about our personhood, purpose, and potential for making God-glorifying progress during the challenging post-diagnosis journey.
About the author
Christine Chappell serves as the Outreach Director and Hope + Help Podcast Host for the Institute of Biblical Counseling & Discipleship. She’s passionate about advocating for biblical one-another care and discipleship in the context of the local church and blogs regularly at