Getting to the Heart of Friendships by Amy Baker
Getting to the Heart of Friendships by Amy Baker
Does your heart long for approval? Does it long for control? Does your heart desire comfort or pleasure? The longings in our hearts are reflected in our friendships. Study this book and learn to have relationships that reflect the deep love, joy, unity and delight God designed for us to know in friendships.
Getting to the Heart of Friendships goes to the heart, equips you to leave behind the things that turn relationships sour, and then brings you to friendships that bless you and glorify God.
About the Author
Author Amy Baker, Ph.D., is Ministry Resource Director at Faith Church in Lafayette, Indiana. A counselor certified with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC, formerly NANC), Amy is also a Biblical Counseling Coalition council board member; instructor and counselor at Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries; and Vision of Hope residential treatment center board member. She and her husband Jeff have two children.
Amy explains how her passion for gospel-centered biblical counseling and discipleship leads her to write: “Writing is my faltering attempt to share with others the God who has rescued me and become my rock and strong tower,” she says. “As I grow in my understanding of how magnificent God is and taste his love and grace, I don’t want anyone else to miss out on this.”