Discontentment: Why Am I So Unhappy? By Lou Priolo - Booklet
Discontentment: Why Am I So Unhappy? By Lou Priolo - Booklet
About: Discontentment.
You're unhappy, and you can't put your finger on why. The most confusing thing is that you're a Christian—you never thought you'd have to deal with this! It couldn't be a heart problem... a sin problem... could it?If you're a Christian, you may not have considered contentment to be related to your unhappiness. But unless you can say you trust God everywhere he puts you and are happy with whatever he gives you, by definition you are not content! And when that happens you are left with a major cause of unhappiness.
Lou Priolo helps you identify discontentment in your life through first analyzing the level of your contentment. What's more, he helps you move forward, describing what true biblical contentment is and laying out Scripture's own directions for cultivating it.
The Resources for Biblical Living booklet series addresses a wide range of practical life issues in a straightforward, down-to-earth, and most of all, biblical manner.
"Discontentment among Christians is a far bigger problem than we either realize or acknowledge. Lou Priolo puts his discerning finger right on the real issues and helps us ask probing questions designed to reveal our troubled consciences' covetousness and idolatry. He clearly shows that at the root of our lack of contentment lies a believer who isn't fully satisfied with God and his bountiful provisions. May we take the message of this booklet to heart so that we may be genuinely content in Christ."
—Lance Quinn
About the Author
Lou Priolo is the founder and president of Competent to Counsel International and is an instructor with Birmingham Theological Seminary. He has been a full-time biblical counselor since 1985 and is a fellow of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. Lou has been married to his wife, Kim, since 1987 and has two daughters, Sophia and Gabriella.