Closing the Window: Steps to Living Porn Free by Tim Chester
Closing the Window: Steps to Living Porn Free by Tim Chester
Pornography is everywhere. Far too many Christians regularly use and are addicted to it, warping their perception of sexuality and relationships, destroying marriages and ministries. But Christians who struggle with porn also long for change. When we realize the unfulfilling emptiness of porn, we come to yearn for freedom from it. But what do we do?
Tim Chester says that we can be captured by a better vision—a liberating confidence that God offers more than pornography does. Moving beyond pat answers or mere willpower, Chester offers spiritual, practical and corporate resources for living porn free. He exposes the false promises of porn and redirects us to the true promises of God.
With assurance of God's grace and cleansing power, we can change our desires and escape the traps and temptations of pornography. However great the challenge, God's grace is even greater. And we can come to a place where we no longer feel the need to use porn.
Close the window on porn. And open the door to freedom, integrity and new life.
“One of the greatest challenges facing Christians today is the call to sexual purity and integrity. Tim Chester's book will prove indispensable for those committed to that challenge. By exposing the lies that fuel pornography addiction and offering practical tips for staying free, he arms us with the tools we need to win the battle against porn.”
— Andrews Comiskey
“Tim Chester offers hope, and the possibility of living free from the snare of pornography. . . . Without sounding superspiritual or piling on the guilt, this book emphasizes the fact that we cannot change without God's help. . . . Chester's diligent research and nonjudgmental approach will, I promise, help many Christians who are struggling with porn.”
— Lyndon Bowring
“Christians think sex is great, but its misuse is bad! Pornography draws Christian men into a dark world where shame and guilt replace joy and freedom. This book superbly diagnoses the problem and points to God's healing. Tim Chester's writing will rescue many a marriage and restore many a man to a place where purity and passion coexist in biblical relationship.”
— Stephen and Janet Gaukroger
About the Author
Tim Chester is involved in The Crowded House, a church–planting initiative in Sheffield, England. He is the author of You Can Change: God's Transforming Power for Our Sinful Behavior and Negative Emotions, Gospel–Centered Marriage: Becoming the Couple God Wants You to Be, A Meal with Jesus: Discovering Grace, Community, and Mission Around the Table [Re: Lit], Awakening to a World of Need, The Promise of Salvation and others.