Christ Formed in You: The Power of the Gospel for Personal Change by Brian G. Hedges
Christ Formed in You: The Power of the Gospel for Personal Change by Brian G. Hedges
About: Christ Formed in You.
Christ Formed in You is a book about spiritual formation, the “grace-driven developmental process in which the soul grows in conformity to the image of Christ.” The acid test of all spiritual formation is this: Are you becoming more like Jesus? Are the contours of your character being shaped by his image, formed in his likeness?
This ongoing transformation is possible for you. You can become more and more like Jesus Christ. But there is only one way: through your increasing understanding and application of the gospel. The goal of Christ Formed in You is to aid you in this process—to help you discover new depths of joy in what God has accomplished through Christ and the Spirit to deliver you from both the guilt and the grip of sin.
Brian Hedges brings a beautiful clarity to our understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and pulls together a comprehensive patchwork of the Gospel’s implications for everyday life. The result is a precise and practical picture of a lifestyle rooted in grace. This is a Gospel primer that I will recommend again and again.
—Paul David Tripp
With clarity, balance, common sense, and a relentless commitment to keeping his eye on the goal, Brian Hedges sets the fullness of the gospel to work on the lives of believers, wielding it like a craftsman to shape us into images of Christ.
—Kris Lundgaard
Brian Hedges combines credible exegesis with astute theological balance in his approach to spiritual formation. And he wraps it all up with a thoroughgoing Christ-centeredness that is practical and winsome. Christ Formed in You is evangelical spirituality at its best!
—Del Fehsenfeld IIIAbout the Author
Brian G. Hedges is the lead pastor at Fulkerson Park Baptist Church in Niles, Michigan. He has been married to Holly since 1996 and they have four children. Brian is also the author of Christ formed in You (Shepherd Press, 2010), Licensed to Kill (Cruciform Press, 2011) and numerous articles published in periodicals and online. For fun, Brian enjoys reading, playing golf, hanging out with his family, and watching good movies.