How to Handle Trouble by Jay E. Adams
How to Handle Trouble by Jay E. Adams
About: How to Handle Trouble.
Trouble is something all people must deal with: the loss of a spouse, a job, one's health, one's possessions, one's freedom. Jay E. Adams writes, "While God has not yet removed trouble from the Christian or the Christian from trouble, he has, by the Word and his sprit, given believers all that is necessary to handle trouble successfully."
Focusing on Philippians 1:12–26, where Paul portrays hardship as an opportunity to glorify Christ, Adams presents clear and biblical directives for discerning God's hand at work in bringing good out of troublesome circumstances, great or small.
About the Author
Jay E. Adams is known for his many books on counseling and frequent appearances at conferences on Christian living and counseling issues. He served for many years on the faculties of Westminster Theological Seminary and Westminster Seminary in California. He is currently the dean of the Institute for Nouthetic Studies, a distance-learning institution that provides international training in biblical counseling.