Man Up, Kneel Down: Shepherding Your Wife Toward Greater Joy In Jesus by J. Aaron White
Man Up, Kneel Down: Shepherding Your Wife Toward Greater Joy In Jesus by J. Aaron White
Many Christian husbands know and affirm the apostle Paul's command: "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her" (Ephesians 5:25).
However, busy schedules, life's demands, and our own remaining sin join forces and plot against our good intentions to love and serve our wives. We may even find ourselves engaged in many fruitful ministry endeavors while the noble calling of coming alongside our beloved brides goes by the wayside.
Man Up Kneel Down: Shepherding Your Wife Toward Greater Joy in Jesus is a street-level, biblically saturated, gospel-centered guide for guys who want to lead their families well by serving their wives. With accessible chapters, humor, application questions, and more, Man Up Kneel Down offers the Christian husband a guide to shepherd his wife with intentionality amidst the demands of life.
J. Aaron White has served his fellow pastors and the church of Christ well by providing a book that is both convicting and comforting as well as insightful and instructive. As I read through Man Up Kneel Down, I felt like I was sitting across the table from a loving and skilled pastor who cares enough to challenge me in ways he knows I need to hear. For the glory of Christ and the flourishing of my wife, may God grant me the grace to follow the instruction of this excellent book. In addition to the Word of God, there are only a handful of books I hope every pastor reads. This is one. --Dr. Jason Wredberg, Senior Pastor of Redeemer Bible Church, Minnetonka, MN
Pastor White has written an excellent resource for Christian marriage! It's grounded in the truth and beauty of the gospel, full of biblical wisdom, and winsome yet serious in its personal application. Wives will be truly blessed as their husbands embrace this sacred calling to love as Christ loves his church. --Jill Nelson, writer for Truth78 and author of God's Gospel: Making Him Known